Tuesday, April 7, 2015

A Brief History of Divorce

While divorce may seem like a relatively new concept, it has been around for centuries. While not always a popular choice, the history of divorce was vital in the development of the laws we enjoy today. 

• In the 1500s, King Henry VIII became famous for his divorce to Catherine. When she failed to produce a male heir, Henry attempted to force the pope to annul his marriage. His request was denied which lead Henry to form his own church. Naming himself as the head of the Church of England, he began to grant divorce. The first of which was his. He was able to marry Ann Boleyn, but later had that marriage annulled as well. 

• In 1857, the Matrimonial Causes Act was passed. This allowed common citizens to divorce. Previously, this right had only been granted to aristocracy, royalty, and men to file. Women were allowed to file for divorce under this law if their husband was guilty of an affair. However, they were required to show proof of infidelity. 

• The amendments to the act in 1937 allowed an increase in reasons for divorce. While abuse and desertion became valid reasons to file, proof of the action was still necessary. 

• In 1969, the Divorce Reform Act was drafted. This allowed that couples who had been separated for 2 years could easily divorce. Men and women were no longer required to prove their spouses faults in order for a divorce to be granted. Once this change took place, the rates rose significantly. 

With the changes in laws that have taken place, divorce is much more socially acceptable now than it was years ago. If you would like to learn more about a divorce lawyer in Irvine, visit this website.

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